USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and NBME Subject Exams
The Step 2 CK is an important exam that many of you looking at my site will eventually take. The good news is I found the content of the the CK and the MCCEE to be very similar. You can almost study for both at the same time. The problem is the exams ask questions in very different ways and have slight differences in content focus (ie. how many images you will get, Step 2 has EKG's on it). Send me an email to see how I can help you crush the Step 2 CK and NBME subject exams as well!
The USMLE Step 1 is a very pivotal exam that my team and I would be more than happy to help you out with too! My team and I have worked very hard to learn how to find your strong areas and ares that need improvement. We also know a couple of question types that will always be present.
I strongly recommend UWORLD for Step 1, Step 2 CK, and NBME studying. It covers a lot of the content you will need for the exam. It is pricy but worth it!
I can show you how to properly use UWORLD to maximize its use as a learning tool.
Everytime I tell someone biostats is important for both exams I can hear the disinterest in their voice when they say, "Oh that is interesting." After the exam they always regret not spending more time on this subject.
The way you were taught it was likley very boring, so I made an affordable interactive book to help with it. Click the link in the center of the page to check it out!
If you find EKG and heart sounds challenging contact me and I can help you in this extremely high yield subject area.
This is one of those areas you WILL get questions on so do not neglict this subject!
I provide a service where I will observe you walkthrough a hanful of questions from a Q-Bank as you tell me your method of working through each question. I then critique and help show you any deficiencies in your test taking.
I highly recommend this! The exam tests medical knowledge, but I see many peopleget tripped up because they did not go through each question in a systemic fashion like your would when reading a CXR or EKG.